Hollisa Alewine
The Creation Workbook 4: The Scarlet Harlot & the Crimson Thread
The Creation Workbook 4: The Scarlet Harlot & the Crimson Thread
There is a subtle, yet knowable and traceable pattern throughout Scripture that reveals the big picture into which all the Torah portions, Prophets, Psalms, and New Covenant writings converge. Exercising the rules of First and Complete mention, students of the Word will find that the matriarchs of Israel hold the crimson thread leading the patriarchs back to the Land, Covenant, and People of Israel in these roles: Sister, Virtuous Woman Or Wife, Harlot, Mother, Daughter, Adulteress, Shepherdess.
These female roles teach about the Holy Spirit either working or not being permitted to work in the lives of men. They also unlock understanding to the ambiguity of some Scriptures. On one hand, Adonai dwells in thick darkness. On the other hand, He likens darkness to evil, error, and ignorance. What is the true nature of darkness? The Torah is light, but Satan comes as an angel of light.
The commandment is a lamp, but the wicked have a lamp as well. How can the reader discern the difference? The book examines the origin and tension between man and beast, the woman and the serpent, virtuous woman and the harlot, the Word and the plague, the younger and the older, four living creatures and four altar judgments, and many other contranyms in Scripture. Includes study/review questions on each section.
Dr. Hollisa Alewine has her B.S. and M.Ed. from Texas A&M and a Doctorate from Oxford Graduate School; she is the author of Standing with Israel. A student and teacher of the Word of God, she also serves as an elder and secretary of the board at The Olive Branch Messianic Congregation in London, Kentucky.